Ecuador Digital Maps


Capital: Quito
Surface: 283,560 km²
Population: 15,223,680

Language: Spanish
Currency: United States dollar (USD) (AWG)

Purchasing power:

Country Maps
City Maps
2D Clutter Maps
3D Maps

This is the complete list of Ecuador Digital Maps that you can purchase in

Ecuador Country – National Overview Digital Maps

Continent Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
South America Digital Map Country ECUADOR COMPLETE NATIONAL OVERVIEW MAP Includes administrative boundaries,rivers, lakes, city points, intercity highways, Main GPS corrected high ways, railroads, basic service and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:100.000 2017
South America Digital Map Country ECUADOR NATIONAL OVERVIEW MAP Includes administrative boundaries,rivers, lakes, city points, intercity highways,railroads, basic service and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:180.000 2017
South America Digital Map Country ECUADOR BASIC NATIONAL OVERVIEW MAP Includes national administrative boundarie,rivers, lakes, city points, intercity highways and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:800.000 2017

Ecuador City Level Digital Maps

Continent Type Province Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
South America Digital Map TUNGURAHUA AMBATO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS ATACAMES Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map IMBABURA ATUNTAQUI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map CAÑAR AZOGUEZ Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map LOS RIOS BABAHOYO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS BALZAR Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map TUNGURAHUA BAÑOS DE AGUA SANTA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA BARCONO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS BUCAY Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map LOS RIOS BUENA FE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA CALDERON / CARAPUNGO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA CANGAHUA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA CAYAMBE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map CHIMBORAZO CHAMBO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA CHECA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI CHONE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA CONOCOTO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map AZUAY CUENCA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA CUMBAYA  ( Los Valles ) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS DAULE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS DURAN Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI EL CARMEN Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS EL EMPALME Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA EL QUINCHE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS EL TRIUNFO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS ESMERALDAS Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ORELLANA FRANCISCO ORELLANA ( Coca ) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GALAPAGOS GALAPAGOS (Isabela) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GALAPAGOS GALAPAGOS (San Cristobal) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GALAPAGOS GALAPAGOS(Santa Cruz) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map BOLIVAR GUARANDA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS GUAYAQUIL (& Puerto Azul) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA GUAYLLABAMBA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map EL ORO HUAQUILLAS Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map IMBABURA IBARRA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI JIPIJAPA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS LA CONCORDIA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS LA LIBERTAD Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map CAÑAR LA TRONCAL Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS LA UNION Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map SUCUMBIOS LAGO AGRIO(Nueva Loja) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map COTOPAXI LATACUNGA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA LLANO CHICO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map LOJA LOJA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS LOMAS DE SARGENTILLO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA MACHACHI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map EL ORO MACHALA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI MANTA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS MILAGRO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS MONTAÑITA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS NARANJAL Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA NAYON Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS OLON Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map IMBABURA OTAVALO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map EL ORO PASAJE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map TUNGURAHUA PATATE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map AZUAY PAUTE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI PEDERNALES Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS PEDRO CARBO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS PETRILLO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS PETRILLO, NOBOL Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA PIFO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map TUNGURAHUA PILLARO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map EL ORO PIÑAS Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS PLAYAS Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA POMASQUI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI PORTOVIEJO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA PUEMBO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PASTAZA PUYO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map LOS RIOS QUEVEDO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS QUININQUE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA QUITO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map CHIMBORAZO RIOBAMBA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map COTOPAXI SALCEDO, SAN MIGUEL Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS SALINAS Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS SALITRE Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA SAN ANTONIO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS SAMBORONDON Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map CARCHI SAN GABRIEL Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA SANGOLQUI  , RUMIÑAHUI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS SANTA ELENA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS SANTA LUCIA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map EL ORO SANTA ROSA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA SANTO DOMINGO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map COTOPAXI SAQUISILI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map SUCUMBIOS SHUSHIFINDI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS SIMON BOLIVAR Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS SUA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA TABABELA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA TABACUNDO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS TARIFA, LA PUNTILLA, SAMBORONDON Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map NAPO TENA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map TUNGURAHUA TISALEO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map MANABI TOSAGUA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map CARCHI TULCAN Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA TUMBACO ( Los Valles ) Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map LOS RIOS VENTANAS Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map LOS RIOS VINCES Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map ESMERALDAS VUELTA LARGA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS YAGUACHI NUEVO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map GUAYAS YAGUACHI VIEJO Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA YARUQUI Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Digital Map PICHINCHA ZAMBIZA Includes administrative boundaries, street detail, all named roads, basic services and major landmarks. WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Ecuador Country National Overview Databases

Continent Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
South America Database Country ECUADOR NATIONAL OVERVIEW GEO-DEMOGRAPHICS Basic Geo-demographics by Province and Canton : Number of Persons WGS 84 1:180.000 2017
South America Database Country Población por provincia clasificada por actividad económica : Provincias y Cantones Código, provincia, población, agricultura caza y pesca, explotación de minas, industria manufacturera, electricidad gas y agua, construcciones, comercio, transporte almacenamiento, establecimientos finan y seguros, servicios, actividad no especificadas, t WGS 84 1:180.000 2017
South America Database Country Población economicamente activa por categoría de ocupación : Provincias y Cantones Código,provincia, población, patrono o socio activo, cuenta propia, empleado asalariado municipio, empleado asalariado estado, empleado asalariado sector, trabajador familiar sin remuneracion, no declarado, nuevo, total WGS 84 1:180.000 2017
South America Database Country Población por sexo y rangos de edad a nivel canton y provincia : Provincias y Cantones Código, provincia, total, total hombres, total mujeres, hom 0 5, muj 0 5, hom 6 14, muj 6 14, hom 15ymas, muj 15ymas WGS 84 1:180.000 2017
South America Database Country Empresas juridicas : TODAS LAS PROVINCIAS Empresas juridicas economicamente activas hasta el año 2005 WGS 84 1:180.000 2017

Ecuador Sociogeodemographics by Parroquia and Barrio (Neighborhood)

Continent Type Province Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
South America Database TUNGURAHUA AMBATO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database IMBABURA ATUNTAQUI Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database CAÑAR AZOGUEZ Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database LOS RIOS BABAHOYO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA CALDERON Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA CARAPUNGO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA CAYAMBE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database CHIMBORAZO CHAMBO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI CHONE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA CONOCOTO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database AZUAY CUENCA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA CUMBAYA ( Los Valles ) Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS DAULE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS DURAN Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI EL CARMEN Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS EL EMPALME Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI EL TRIUNFO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database ESMERALDAS ESMERALDAS Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS GUAYAQUIL Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database EL ORO HUAQUILLAS Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database IMBABURA IBARRA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI JIPIJAPA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database COTOPAXI LATACUNGA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS LIBERTAD Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database LOJA LOJA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS LOMAS DE SARGENTILLO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database EL ORO MACHALA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI MANTA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS MILAGRO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database IMBABURA OTAVALO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database EL ORO PASAJE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database TUNGURAHUA PATATE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database AZUAY PAUTE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI PORTOVIEJO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database LOS RIOS QUEVEDO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA QUITO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database CHIMBORAZO RIOBAMBA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database COTOPAXI SALCEDO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS SALITRE Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS SAMBORONDON Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA SANGOLQUI Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA SANTO DOMINGO Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database COTOPAXI SAQUISILI Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS SIMON BOLIVAR Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database EL ORO STA. ROSA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database MANABI TOSAGUA Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database CARCHI TULCAN Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database PICHINCHA TUMBACO ( Los Valles ) Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database LOS RIOS VENTANAS Monthly Income, Population and Strata by Barrio WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Ecuador City Level GeoDemographics by Block Level Type 1

Continent Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
South America Database PICHINCHA QUITO Includes Population by age and sex, Householders, Monthly income ans Socioeconomic Strata by Block WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS GUAYAQUIL Includes Population by age and sex, Householders, Monthly income ans Socioeconomic Strata by Block WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database TUNGURAHUA AMBATO Includes Population by age and sex, Householders, Monthly income ans Socioeconomic Strata by Block WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database AZUAY CUENCA Includes Population by age and sex, Householders, Monthly income ans Socioeconomic Strata by Block WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database EL ORO MACHALA Includes Population by age and sex, Householders, Monthly income ans Socioeconomic Strata by Block WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Ecuador City Level GeoDemographics by Block Level Type 2

Continent Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
South America Database PICHINCHA QUITO & Valles See detailed List per block level WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database GUAYAS GUAYAQUIL great Metro See detailed List per block level WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database TUNGURAHUA AMBATO See detailed List per block level WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database AZUAY CUENCA See detailed List per block level WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
South America Database EL ORO MACHALA See detailed List per block level WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Ecuador Variables per Block, Detailed List of Demographics type 2 Only

SE_STRATA Socioeconomc Strata
MONTHLY_INCOME Monthly income in US$
TOT_VIV Total number of house
TOT_HH Total number of householders
TOT_POP Total population
CLE_MAT Cleaning Materials
PER_CARE Personal Care
SUMPTUOUS Sumptuous Expenses
RENT_MORT Rent – Mortgage
REN_CONS Renovation and construction
P_SERVICES Public Services
TRANS Transport
ENTERT Entertainment
COMM Communications
HT_EQ_SE Computer equipment and Internet
DEB_CARD Debit Card
CRE_CARD Credit Card
CULT_ACT Cultural activities
NEW_MAG Newspapers and magazines
FIN_OB Financial Obligations
SAV_INV Savings and Investment
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