Mexico Digital Maps


Capital: Mexico City
Surface: 1,972,550 km²
Population: 2.224 trillion

Language: Spanish
Currency: Peso (MXN)

Purchasing power:

Country Maps
City Maps
2D Clutter Maps
3D Maps

This is the complete list of Mexico Digital Maps that you can purchase in

Mexico Country Maps

Country Type Items included Details Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Mexico Digital Map MEXICO NATIONAL OVERVIEW All states and Municipalities, Basic National Map Main National Streets, High Ways, Main Hydrology, Main Towns Centroids, Points of Interest and Detailed Administrative Division from State up to municipalities WGS 84 1:350.000 2017
Mexico Digital Map MEXICO NATIONAL OVERVIEW AND COMPLETE ROAD NET Detailded National net for roads, high ways and other land marks ( do not includes streets for city detailed info, only national level ) Main National Main and Basic Streets, Main and Basic High Ways, Main and Basic Hydrology, Main Towns Centroids, Points of Interest and Detailed Administrative Division from State up to municipalities WGS 84 1:350.000 2017
Mexico Digital Map COLONY POLIGONS & POSTAL CODES FOR ALL MEXICO Colonies for all Country including Postal Codes Colonies including postal Codes for all major cities around Mexico WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Map AGEBS CODES & POLIGONS FOR ALL MEXICO Agebs with Codes for all Country AGEBs & Codes for all major cities all around Mexico WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Mexico City Maps Sets by States

Country Type State State Capital Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Mexico Digital Map Main Capital of the country. Federal District only MEXICO CITY D.F. STREET DETAIL AND MINOR METRO MUNICIPALITIES Contains Blocks, Center Lines,  Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps AGUASCALIENTES AGUASCALIENTES Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of AGUASCALIENTES see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE MEXICALI Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR LA PAZ Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps CAMPECHE CAMPECHE Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of CAMPECHE see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps COAHUILA DE ZAR SALTILLO Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of COAHUILA DE ZAR see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps COLIMA COLIMA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of COLIMA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps CHIAPAS TUXTLA GUTIERREZ Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of CHIAPAS see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps CHIHUAHUA CHIHUAHUA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of CHIHUAHUA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps DURANGO DURANGO Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of DURANGO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps GUANAJUATO GUANAJUATO Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of GUANAJUATO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps GUERRERO CHILPANCINGO Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of GUERRERO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps HIDALGO PACHUCA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of HIDALGO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps JALISCO GUADALAJARA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of JALISCO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps MEXICO doesn’t include Mexico D.F. TOLUCA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of MEXICO doesn’t include Mexico D.F. see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps MICHOACAN MORELIA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of MICHOACAN see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps MORELOS CUERNAVACA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of MORELOS see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps NAYARIT TEPIC Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of NAYARIT see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps NUEVO LEON MONTERREY Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of NUEVO LEON see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps OAXACA OAXACA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of OAXACA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps PUEBLA PUEBLA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of PUEBLA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps QUERETARO QUERETARO Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of QUERETARO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps QUINTANA ROO CHETUMAL Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of QUINTANA ROO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps SAN LUIS POTOSI SAN LUIS POTOSI Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of SAN LUIS POTOSI see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps SINALOA CULIACAN Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of SINALOA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps SONORA HERMOSILLO Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of SONORA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps TABASCO VILLAHERMOSA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of TABASCO see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps TAMAULIPAS CIUDAD VICTORIA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of TAMAULIPAS see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps TLAXCALA TLAXCALA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of TLAXCALA see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps VERACRUZ JALAPA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of VERACRUZ see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps YUCATAN MERIDA Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of YUCATAN see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps ZACATECAS ZACATECAS Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of ZACATECAS see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Digital Maps All Staes at the Same order Complete set of States of All Mexico by Block detail Contains Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and Administrative Division by Colonies of all major cities at the State of All Staes at the Same order see the list WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Mexico Sociogeodemographics by country

Country Type Region Details Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Mexico Data Base MEXICO NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS All States and Municipalities See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities Sociogeodemographic by Municipalities 1:350.000 2017
Mexico Data Base MEXICO NATIONAL BUYING POWER All States and Municipalities See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities Sociogeodemographic by Municipalities 1:350.000 2017
Mexico Data Base MEXICO NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS & BUYING POWER All States and Municipalities See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities Sociogeodemographic by Municipalities 1:350.000 2017
Mexico Data Base MEXICO NATIONAL DETAILED BUYING POWER BY GROUPS All states, municipalities and AGEBS,  includes all coded polygons for all major Cities of each state See attached Socio Economic Estrata Document for National Overview set by Municipaliites and AGEBS Socio Economic Strata by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Data Base MEXICO NATIONAL DETAILED SOCIOECONOMIC BY GROUPS All states, municipalities and AGEBS, includes all coded polygons for all major Cities of each state See attached Buying Power Document for National Overview set by Municipaliites and AGEBS BUYING POWER by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Data Base MEXICO NATIONAL DETAILED DEMOGRAPHICS & BUYINPOWER All states, municipalities and AGEBS, includes all coded polygons for all major Cities of each state See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities and AGEBS. Includes SocioGeodemographics and Buying Power Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017

Mexico Cities Sociogeodemographics by States Groups  Basic demographics

Country Type State Capital Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Mexico Database Main Capital of the country MEXICO CITY D.F. Sociogeodemographics by AGEBs of all great Metro Area of Mexico D.F. Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database AGUASCALIENTES AGUASCALIENTES Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  AGUASCALIENTES State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE MEXICALI Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR LA PAZ Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CAMPECHE CAMPECHE Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  CAMPECHE State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database COAHUILA DE ZAR SALTILLO Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  COAHUILA DE ZAR State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database COLIMA COLIMA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  COLIMA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CHIAPAS TUXTLA GUTIERREZ Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  CHIAPAS State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CHIHUAHUA CHIHUAHUA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  CHIHUAHUA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database DURANGO DURANGO Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  DURANGO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database GUANAJUATO GUANAJUATO Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  GUANAJUATO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database GUERRERO CHILPANCINGO Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  GUERRERO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database HIDALGO PACHUCA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  HIDALGO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database JALISCO GUADALAJARA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  JALISCO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO                                  doesn’t include Mexico D.F. TOLUCA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  MEXICO                                  doesn’t include Mexico D.F. State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MICHOACAN MORELIA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  MICHOACAN State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MORELOS CUERNAVACA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  MORELOS State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database NAYARIT TEPIC Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  NAYARIT State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database NUEVO LEON MONTERREY Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  NUEVO LEON State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database OAXACA OAXACA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  OAXACA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database PUEBLA PUEBLA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  PUEBLA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database QUERETARO QUERETARO Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  QUERETARO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database QUINTANA ROO CHETUMAL Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  QUINTANA ROO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SAN LUIS POTOSI SAN LUIS POTOSI Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  SAN LUIS POTOSI State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SINALOA CULIACAN Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  SINALOA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SONORA HERMOSILLO Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  SONORA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TABASCO VILLAHERMOSA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  TABASCO State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TAMAULIPAS CIUDAD VICTORIA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  TAMAULIPAS State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TLAXCALA TLAXCALA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  TLAXCALA State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database VERACRUZ JALAPA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  VERACRUZ State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database YUCATAN MERIDA Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  YUCATAN State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database ZACATECAS ZACATECAS Soci Geodemographics by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of  ZACATECAS State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017

Mexico Cities Buying Power by States Groups Basic demographics

Country Type Region Details Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Mexico Database MEXICO NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS All States and Municipalities See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities Sociogeodemographic by Municipalities  1:350.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO NATIONAL BUYING POWER All States and Municipalities See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities Sociogeodemographic by Municipalities  1:350.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS & BUYING POWER All States and Municipalities See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities Sociogeodemographic by Municipalities  1:350.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO NATIONAL DETAILED BUYING POWER BY GROUPS All states, municipalities and AGEBS, includes all coded polygons for all major Cities of each state See attached Socio Economic Estrata Document for National Overview set by Municipaliites and AGEBS Socio Economic Strata by Block group AGEB  1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO NATIONAL DETAILED SOCIOECONOMIC BY GROUPS All states, municipalities and AGEBS, includes all coded polygons for all major Cities of each state See attached Buying Power Document for National Overview set by Municipaliites and AGEBS BUYING POWER by Block group AGEB  1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO NATIONAL DETAILED DEMOGRAPHICS & BUYINPOWER All states, municipalities and AGEBS, includes all coded polygons for all major Cities of each state See attached Sociogeodemographic Document for National Overview set by Municipalities and AGEBS. Includes SocioGeodemographics and Buying Power Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB  1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database Main Capital of the country MEXICO CITY D.F. Buying Power by AGEBs of all great Metro Area of Mexico D.F. Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database AGUASCALIENTES AGUASCALIENTES Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of AGUASCALIENTES state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE MEXICALI Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE State, pleasev ask for a detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR LA PAZ Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CAMPECHE CAMPECHE Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of CAMPECHE state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database COAHUILA DE ZAR SALTILLO Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of COAHUILA DE ZAR state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database COLIMA COLIMA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of COLIMA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CHIAPAS TUXTLA GUTIERREZ Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of CHIAPAS state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CHIHUAHUA CHIHUAHUA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of CHIHUAHUA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database DURANGO DURANGO Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of DURANGO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database GUANAJUATO GUANAJUATO Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of GUANAJUATO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database GUERRERO CHILPANCINGO Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of GUERRERO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database HIDALGO PACHUCA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of HIDALGO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database JALISCO GUADALAJARA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of JALISCO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO                                 doesn’t include Mexico D.F. TOLUCA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of MEXICO                                 doesn’t include Mexico D.F. state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MICHOACAN MORELIA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of MICHOACAN state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MORELOS CUERNAVACA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of MORELOS state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database NAYARIT TEPIC Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of NAYARIT state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database NUEVO LEON MONTERREY Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of NUEVO LEON state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database OAXACA OAXACA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of OAXACA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database PUEBLA PUEBLA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of PUEBLA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database QUERETARO QUERETARO Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of QUERETARO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database QUINTANA ROO CHETUMAL Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of QUINTANA ROO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SAN LUIS POTOSI SAN LUIS POTOSI Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of SAN LUIS POTOSI state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SINALOA CULIACAN Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of SINALOA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SONORA HERMOSILLO Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of SONORA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TABASCO VILLAHERMOSA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of TABASCO state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TAMAULIPAS CIUDAD VICTORIA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of TAMAULIPAS state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TLAXCALA TLAXCALA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of TLAXCALA state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database VERACRUZ JALAPA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of VERACRUZ state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database YUCATAN MERIDA Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of YUCATAN state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database ZACATECAS ZACATECAS Buying Power by AGEBs for main capital and all major cities of ZACATECAS state, pleasev ask for detailed list of cities included at this state Sociogeodemographic by Block group AGEB 1:5.000 2017

Mexico State Main Capital City Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block Level

Country Type State Capital Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Mexico Database Main Capital of the country MEXICO CITY D.F. Complete set of blocks for all great metro area Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database AGUASCALIENTES AGUASCALIENTES Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE MEXICALI Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR LA PAZ Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CAMPECHE CAMPECHE Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database COAHUILA DE ZAR SALTILLO Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database COLIMA COLIMA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CHIAPAS TUXTLA GUTIERREZ Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database CHIHUAHUA CHIHUAHUA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database DURANGO DURANGO Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database GUANAJUATO GUANAJUATO Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database GUERRERO CHILPANCINGO Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database HIDALGO PACHUCA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database JALISCO GUADALAJARA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MEXICO                                  doesn’t include Mexico D.F. TOLUCA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MICHOACAN MORELIA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database MORELOS CUERNAVACA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database NAYARIT TEPIC Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database NUEVO LEON MONTERREY Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database OAXACA OAXACA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database PUEBLA PUEBLA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database QUERETARO QUERETARO Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database QUINTANA ROO CHETUMAL Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SAN LUIS POTOSI SAN LUIS POTOSI Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SINALOA CULIACAN Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database SONORA HERMOSILLO Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TABASCO VILLAHERMOSA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TAMAULIPAS CIUDAD VICTORIA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database TLAXCALA TLAXCALA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database VERACRUZ JALAPA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database YUCATAN MERIDA Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017
Mexico Database ZACATECAS ZACATECAS Ask for the list of cities included at each State at this level of detail with Sociogedemographcs & Buying Power Sociogeodemographics & Buying Power by Block 1:5.000 2017


SE_STRATA Socioeconomc Strata
MONTHLY_INCOME Monthly income in US$
TOT_VIV Total number of house
TOT_HH Total number of householders
TOT_POP Total population
CLE_MAT Cleaning Materials
PER_CARE Personal Care
SUMPTUOUS Sumptuous Expenses
RENT_MORT Rent – Mortgage
REN_CONS Renovation and construction
P_SERVICES Public Services
TRANS Transport
ENTERT Entertainment
COMM Communications
HT_EQ_SE Computer equipment and Internet
DEB_CARD Debit Card
CRE_CARD Credit Card
CULT_ACT Cultural activities
NEW_MAG Newspapers and magazines
FIN_OB Financial Obligations
SAV_INV Savings and Investment
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