Virgin Islands (US) Digital Maps


Capital: Charlotte Amalie
Surface: 346.36 km²
Population: 103.574

Language: English
Currency: Dolla US ($, USD)

Purchasing power:

Country Maps
City Maps
2D Clutter Maps
3D Maps

This is the complete list of Virgin Islands (US) Digital Maps that you can purchase in

Virgin Islands (US) and Cities

Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Digital Map Island St Thomas Basic administrative boundaries, all roads, rivers, Islands, lakes, rivers land marks and points of Interest POIs WGS 84 1:40.000 2017
Digital Map St Thomas main city Charlotte Amalie Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and city limit WGS 84 1:4.000 2017
Digital Map St Thomas city Havensight Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and city limit WGS 84 1:4.000 2017
Digital Map Island St John Basic administrative boundaries, all roads, rivers, Islands, lakes, rivers land marks and points of Interest POIs WGS 84 1:40.000 2017
Digital Map St John mian city Cruz Bay Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and city limit WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Digital Map Island St Croix Basic administrative boundaries, all roads, rivers, Islands, lakes, rivers land marks and points of Interest POIs WGS 84 1:40.000 2017
Digital Map St Croix main city Christiansted Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and city limit WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Digital Map St Croix city Frederiskted city Blocks, Center Lines, Street Names, Points of Interest and city limit WGS 84 1:5.000 2017

Virgin Islands (US) Geodemographis by Block Level

Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Database St Thomas main city Charlotte Amalie Averange monthly household Income, Socioeconmic Strata, Population, Householders per each Block. WGS 84 1:2.000 2017
Database St Thomas all Island St Thomas inlcudes Charlotte Amalie Averange monthly household Income, Socioeconmic Strata, Population, Householders per each Block. WGS 84 1:2.000 2017
Database St John mian city Cruz Bay and metro rings Averange monthly household Income, Socioeconmic Strata, Population, Householders per each Block. WGS 84 1:2.000 2017
Database St Croix main city Christiansted Averange monthly household Income, Socioeconmic Strata, Population, Householders per each Block. WGS 84 1:2.000 2017
Database St Croix city Frederiskted city Averange monthly household Income, Socioeconmic Strata, Population, Householders per each Block. WGS 84 1:2.000 2017
Database St Croix  all Island St Croix inlcudes all Cities Averange monthly household Income, Socioeconmic Strata, Population, Householders per each Block. WGS 84 1:2.000 2017
Are you interested in Virgin Islands (US) Digital Maps and Database? Please contact us for further information.


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